10 best architecture Instagram accounts to follow for inspiration

accounting for architects

QuickBooks is accounting software for architects and professionals in construction, retail, manufacturing, non-profits, and more. Some sophisticated project accounting software even offers enterprise resource planning solutions that allow architecture firms to combine data and processes across their accounting, human resources, project management, and other departments to optimize operational efficiency. « We participate in architecture vision competitions because of the above! It offers the unique chance to use architecture to uncover the potential of a site and program. Competitions allow us to escape from the ordinary settings and imagine something extraordinary. » « Architecture vision competitions provide a platform that allows the greatest flow of creativity and imagination. It allows architects to dream big and to spread their ideas to a global audience. The social sphere of the competitions encourages the intermingling of ideas across the world. » « For us as students and working architects, participating in this vision competition was a way to step out of the boundaries of the day-to-day profession, and helped us broaden our horizons on how to take on projects. With this we concluded that every assignment, also within the profession, should be approached in this way. Keep a fresh mind on what architecture can mean or express. »

  • For an architectural business that relies on high quality designs that match or exceed the client’s brief, but also requires excellent money skills.
  • « We see competitions as challenges that can put our team work, our knowledge and our commitment to an idea up to the task. This kind of competitions can test our passion and love for architecture and brings a reality check due to the client’s specifications. »
  • « Architectural competitions are a great chance to test certain ideas. They are great opportunities as well to launch your career and establish yourself on global markets. »
  • « Participating in architecture vision competitions gives us a chance to explore further in various international projects. It also enhances our knowledge in assimilating and learning the new culture and development. Simultaneously, it’s an opportunity to explore and express the new concepts that we have not attempted on our daily basis projects. »
  • « You have the opportunity to challenge yourself to the maximum, refining and sharpening your skills, from the inception of the idea to the most expressive and honest way of conveying it. I have always believed that the anonymity offered by international architecture competitions is extremely important. »

« We participate in architecture competitions in order to build up and diversify our design portfolio, challenge ourselves, and obtain new skills. » « Because it’s fun. And because it reminds me of being in architecture school, a time I will always cherish. Idea competitions such as this one also provide venues for the unfettered exploration of ideas, and allow architects an idealized opportunity to imagine the way the world ought to be, instead of how it is. » « I usually do not participate in architectural competitions, but when I saw the call for entry on the website of The Last Nuclear Bomb Memorial, I was really impressed. The assignment offered a work approach on the edge between the field of art installation and architecture, which fits the law firm bookkeeping type of work that excites me. » « Escaping. We seek out architecture competitions because sometimes we are so bored of our jobs. Escaping for us means to find the other way, our way, to express our inner thirst for honest work in this field, to take another attempt to design for certain problems and topics. » « By participating in architectural competitions, we learn the methods and ways of finding architectural ideas. It`s always surprising to find many different solutions for one location. » « Architecture competitions are a beautiful training exercise for professional practice. This allows us to deal with different topics, programs, and contexts. The pragmatic answer in an architecture competition can become more peremptory and archetypal. »

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If hiring three full-time bookkeeping and accounting employees with the experience, education, and know-how to run a well-controlled back office is out of your firm’s reach, you’re not alone. The fact is most small and medium-sized businesses can’t afford to bring in a complete, full-time bookkeeping staff, and this leaves them vulnerable to fraud and with financial records that are not always current or reliable. Management accounting enables business leaders to set SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-based) financial goals for their businesses, devise strategies to achieve the goals, and measure their progress toward those goals in real-time.

Accounts are then prepared into financial statements or reports that help tell your firm’s financial story. We also provide advice to help firms maintain compliance and also provide financial statement reviews, compilations, examinations, and agreed-upon procedures relative to a firm’s indirect cost role. Managing the project can be equated to managing a small business, and the architect as the director. Project accounting gives them all the tools they need to stay on top of the finances.

What should i take? Architecture or accounting?

« This has been our first time participating in an architectural competition as a team. Although sometimes loosely based on reality, competitions let us go all-out and experiment with ideas and concepts we wouldn’t be able to carry out realistically. » « Joining architecture competitions let us jump out of daily practice once a while and the process of brainstorming really provided us more inspiration and insights. Also, it made us pay more attention to the society around us and expanded the scope of architecture itself. » « We strongly believe that contests are the most effective means of acquiring knowledge. While working in a design firm is valuable for honing professional skills, it often restricts creative freedom. Design competitions, on the other hand, foster idea generation and provide creative suggestions. »

accounting for architects

« We don’t normally enter a lot of competitions, but we were looking for a challenge for our team on the side of the commissioned work. A project with a little more freedom that we could use to test some new software and workflows within the office. » « For us, participating in architecturecompetitionsmeanshaving the opportunity to find new alternative and sustainablesolutions for each project weundertake. Multidisciplinarity and innovation are the constant approaches in our research, in order to define new solutions for a less environmental impact of architecture. » « This is the first time we have taken part in such an architectural competition. We are interested in the topic of a conscious ecological approach in tourism and construction, as well as the beauty of the nature of the Latvian coast. This topic combines our love for nature and interest in spiritual practices. »

Accounting and Tax Services for Architects and Engineers

« I have had different reasons for participating in architecture vision competitions. Exploring other ways of approaching a project with a diversified team, discussing specific themes that are often neglected by my school, investigating other scales. However, there is always a common reason, to think outside the box. » « We have just started participating in architectural competitions. We believe that, by working on these projects, we are able to communicate our designs, and hopefully it will help us to grow more in experience and someday create what we could call our own architectural firm. » « Our daily working environment requires us to provide very practical design solutions for clients. Architecture vision competitions give us the opportunity to think outside of the box and stimulate our creativity with diverse ideas and project locations that challenge our comfort zone. » « We participate in architecture competitions to test our ideas and skillsets and challenge our preconceived concepts of what has been done and how we can do it differently – it gives us the perfect platform to test daring/radical ideas. »

« Architecture competitions are a good way for me to prepare for later working life. They are also fun and a challenge because you always have a new task or topic to deal with over a certain period of time. I think you always acquire new skills and learn from them. » « I participate in competitions partly to develop my skills in designing narrative spaces and to hone my craft in representation. Prompts I am drawn to exist outside of the reality of a traditional brief for a built project as they stimulate creative impetus in a way that is difficult to source outside of academia or intentional collectives. » « Participating in the various competitions that are now on offer allows me as a student to work on different phases/subjects that I have not yet explored. Moreover, it is a way to challenge myself individually. It is almost a way to reinterpret contemporary architecture to one’s own perception, to push the ordinary to the extraordinary due to a certain form of freedom. » « First and foremost, our primary goal is to enhance our architectural design skills through participation in competitions. » « We participate in competitions because it allows us to expand upon our own interests into new typologies. It gives us the ability to express our own individuality in a project that could otherwise be suppressed by hierarchical structures in a professional practice. » « Architecture competitions are a good way to break routines and project without the restrictions of everyday work. They help encourage architects to express themselves in different ways and propose less conventional ideas. »